Life-Changing Training: 
Conflict Resolution in 3 Steps 
How to Stop Fighting Start Feeling
Loved, Connected & Understood 
(workbook Included)

Feeling alone despite being in a relationship with the one you love?
Exhausted from the emotional energy it takes to keep trying when nothing seems to work?
It doesn't have to be this way!
I've Been There-
Hey There! My name is Raini and I am a relationship coach. I have been married 13 years to the love of my life; we have a few kids and a couple dogs. My marriage is everything I have ever hoped for in a relationship, but that wasn't always the case.    

Where once we were unable to discuss our differences without fighting, at times the threat of divorce looming, we now share an unbreakable bond. When disagreements or misunderstandings arise (and they do, though less often than before) we automatically return to ways of speaking to each other that bring us back to synchronicity. Our friendship has been renewed and the romance returned! Every day I experience the love and connection with my spouse I used to long for.      

Sound too good to be true? It’s not! You can have the relationship you’ve always wanted with your partner too. Push the button below and schedule a time-swap with me. I'll listen to your unique situation then let you know if I can help. (If I can't I'll recommend someone who can.)
That Sounds Great BUT. . .
If you have one or a couple BUTs rattling around in your head lets get them out of the way so you can get started creating the relationship you want. You may have some limiting beliefs that are holding you back. 

Think love should be enough to make a relationship last? The love that brought you together is like a planted seed; it won’t survive on its own. But the good news is that just like gardening, strengthening your partnership is a skill and skills can be learned!
Seeking Help Solo? (Even though you're in a Duo)
Feeling discouraged because you don’t have a partner willing to join you in learning how to make things better? While it is true that the fastest results come when both partners are engaged in the process, being the sole initiator of change isn’t a hopeless endeavor. Relationships function in a continuing cycle of action and reaction, which means you can effect change in your relationship with or without your partner's active participation. 
"It probably costs too much."
Telling yourself it probably costs too much money and you can’t afford it? Consider what will happen if nothing changes. Are resentments building up as time passes without improvement? Is the gap of disconnection growing wider and harder to bridge? How much is inaction costing you already? Is the frustration and stress taking a toll on your health? Has the pain in your partnership spilled over into your family life? Are your children experiencing the anxiety of turmoil at home? Is this problem affecting your ability to perform well on the job? Are you saving some money now but setting yourself up for the pain of a costly divorce? The most important question you need to ask yourself is not how can I afford this. The most important question to ask yourself is, “Can I afford not to?”. 
Let's Get Real
It can be really uncomfortable to talk to someone you don’t know about some of the most personal things in your life, especially if you live in a culture that teaches you to keep the struggles of life to yourself. I’ve been there. Remember, anything you share with me will remain confidential. I wholeheartedly believe what I learned while earning my Social Work degree, and continuously navigating the challenges of marriage and family life has the power to heal relationships and improve lives. 

I can’t promise I will be a good fit for what you need, but I can promise if we aren’t right for each other I will help empower you to decide what your next right step is. Schedule a call with me. Everyone deserves a listening ear and a helping hand. 
'It works! Love it!'
Marissa N.
'My husband really appreciated that Raini doesn't blame the man for everything. She is good at helping each person feel understood.'
Janet L.
'Pure Gold. I learned alot.'
Phillipa L.
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